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Initiation ADBB Self-Training : Discovery of the concept of relational withdrawal and the ADBB & M-ADBB Scales

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  • Knowledge of normal child development between 0 and 2 years of age
  • Be a childcare or perinatal professional or work with families


  • Define relational withdrawal,
  • Understand the links between relational withdrawal and developmental risks,
  • Cite and define each of the items in the abbreviated M-ADBB scale.
  • Use the M-ADBB scale in their professional environment
  • Be able to start identifying babies in distress


You will also have access to a forum where you are invited to participate in the participative dimension of the course. The trainers will regularly answer your questions posted on this forum. We also encourage you to interact with other learners, as this will enhance your integration of the course content and support your clinical reflection. Subscribe to the topics that interest you to follow the questions and answers from the trainers and learners.

NB: this forum is only accessible to people registered for the course (mental health professionals).

Accès Forum autoformation

To access the forum, log on to the Slack (you will receive an access by email, if not, ask it to You can then ask your questions to the trainer and read the other messages.


You have a page on technical questions. Please note that to move from one lesson to another, you must watch the videos in their entirety (until the last second;-) so that the computer can record your progress. You must also answer the questionnaires witha minimum of 60% correct answers, otherwise you will have to repeat the questionnaire by clicking on the button.

The see  the program